Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Archaeologists Unearth Foundation of Caretaker's House

Archaeologists unearthed a solid concrete foundation with a brick construction wall on top leaving no doubt as to the exact orientation, depth, and length of the original caretaker’s house as it was built by E. C. Knight in the 1920s. This information is a critical element to the Whalehead Preservation Trust’s plan to erect a similar building on the site in the near future.
Shawn Patch of New South Associates, the North Carolina firm hired to expose the foundation, is principal investigator on the project. The company is a founding member of the American Cultural Resources Association. He is the head of their Remote Sensing department which handles geophysical work such as the GPR, Ground Penetrating Radar, used at the onset. The first goal was to expose one corner of the structure and examine the foundation.

Shovel testing revealed a burn line visible to the excavators at a depth of approximately 1.5 feet deep. The house was known to have burned in 1948. Interesting artifacts, including bone, nail, and glass has been unearthed and will be cleaned and classified and remain the property of the Whalehead Club. Shawn expects more kitchen related artifacts to be forthcoming once they reach the north wall. The dig is ongoing, stay tuned for more!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Raffle Winner Announced

Shelby of Delaplane, VA is the lucky winner of "Return to Whalehead". The museum quality print by R. B. Dance was raffled on June 30 in support of preservation of the historic Whalehead Club. Congratulations, Shelby!